~12 145 kSCNoInitRunErr ~11 156 cmUnknownError ~10 157 ftNotSupported ~9 156 cmUserCancel ~8 145 kSCNoMachineNameErr ~7 143 DIE_BUFALIGN the Test and Set buffer was not word aligned ~6 145 kSCCantFindExtnFolderErr ~5 126 SECantRegNameErr the File Server's name could not be registered on the AppleTalk Network ~4 126 SEInsuffMFMemErr there was not enough memory available to start AppleShare File Service ~3 145 kSCServiceNotInstalledErr ~2 121 ugGroupAlreadyExists ~1 12 kSecurityBadDataErr the data passed in is invalid ~0 143 DIE_NOERR no error occurred ~-1 157 ftGenericError